Thursday, March 7, 2013

Furnace Repair Tips Denver, Boulder, Westminster Colorado

Calling a furnace repair company can be expensive. One never knows what to expect when the repairman checks your furnace. Problems can range from a dirty sensor to a bad blower motor and everything in-between.

I am going to share a couple things that we find when we go out to a home with no heat. These suggestions are simple furnace repairs that most folks with mechanical ability can repair for themselves.

If your furnace is dead and doesn't do anything check;
  • Look at the circuit breaker panel and make sure the breaker hasn't tripped. One can't always tell by just looking at the breaker, so find the breaker for the furnace and flip it off and then on. Then check the furnace to see if it runs.
  • Some furnaces have their own fuses at the furnace. This is called an SSU switch and it's typically located by the furnace. Check the fuse and replace it if it's bad.
  •  There are also a 3-5 amp fuses located on the board of some furnaces. These are the same fuses that fit in your car. Again check the fuse and replace it if it's bad. 
  • If you just replace you filter and now the furnace doesn't run, check to be sure the furnace door is reinstalled correctly.
  • Check your thermostat to be sure it is set for heat and for the desired temperature.
If you furnace fires and runs but doesn't blow the heat throughout the house well check;
  • Are all the vents open? Sometimes people will close off vents trying to push the heat to desired rooms. All the vents in the home should be open. The furnace needs the air-flow. If you want to send more heat to a particular room then only partially close other vents, making sure the air still flows through the vent. Also, make sure furniture isn't setting over the supply vent keeping the heat from coming into the room.    
  • Is there any furniture blocking cold air returns? Sometimes furniture or other stuff is set in front of the cold air return blocking off the air-flow. Keep at least 6 inches of clearance around all vents.
  • Is your filter clogged? This is a very common problem. Many folks just don't replace the filter often enough. I suggest replacing it once a month during use. 
  • We also find a lot of the 3 month filters. These are great filters if your furnace ventilation is designed for it, but most are not. If you like using 3 month filters then I suggest testing your furnace with it in and with it out. When the filter is in the air-flow shouldn't drop significantly. Of course it will drop some, but if it drops a lot I would suggest not using 3 month filters. As a technician I would use meters to check this.
These are just a few simple furnace repairs we find in the field. Remember to be safe and turn the power off to the furnace when you are checking it. If you find that this blog helps to get your furnace heating again, don't let that be a substitute for a professional furnace service. Furnaces should be serviced yearly by a professional furnace company. Keeping your furnace properly serviced will help to keep it running safely and efficiently.

For more on furnace repairs check out our website at  

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