Friday, April 22, 2011

Air Conditioning Service and Repair

Let me ask you a question; Can your air conditioner breathe? I realize that asking you if your appliance can breathe may seem ridiculous to some, but it is a serious thing to consider. There are many problems that can occur from improper air-flow in all appliances, from kitchen and laundry to heating and cooling, all of your appliances need to breathe.
Late spring and early summer is the best time of the year to get ready for the summer heat. There are many things that you should consider when thinking about getting your air conditioning system serviced. It may seem like it’s working just fine but, is it running as efficiently as it can should? If your system cannot breathe properly it will be costing you more money in the long run on your utilities bills. It will also not cool your home as well and efficiently as it can. There are two basic parts to your air conditioning system. They both should be inspected regularly for dust build-up, electrical problems and mechanical issues. One of them is the condensing unit (known as the condenser) the one that sits outside of your home and the other is the a-coil inside, the one that sits on top of the furnace.
First let’s talk about the condenser that sits outside of your home. This part of the Air Conditioning System is rather important due to the fact that, it is what displaces the heat that is taken from inside your home. If the condenser cannot breathe due to cotton or dirt build up or if the fins on the unit are damaged (due to hail or other damage), then the condenser will not be able to vent off the heat properly, causing the system to run inefficiently. Another thing is if your condenser sits in the sun all day, you should consider building an awning over it.
The second part of your Air Conditioning system is the a-coil and it is just as important as the condenser. This is the part of the system that sits on top of the furnace and cools off the air that circulates through-out your home. It should be checked regularly for dirt and dust that would keep it from breathing properly, one of the ways to check this is with and inspection camera that can be stuck up into the a-coil. The blower in the furnace needs to be checked as well. This is the same blower that blows for the heat and what provides the air-flow for your home. If the blower is filled and packed with dirt it cannot move as much air as needed for proper air flow.

All manufactures recommend having you air conditioner serviced yearly. Don’t wait to schedule an appointment until something goes wrong, repairs tend to cost more than preventative maintenance and the later into the season you call the busier air conditioning companies are so don't wait until it's too late!
Below is a picture of an air conditioning system and the basics of how it works. If you look at the picture, it is the visual of what I was writing about above.

For more information on air conditioning systems check out our website at

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